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Balancing Tradition With Innovation
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Beth Emeth is family – we welcome everyone to join our diverse community, and to make new friends by getting involved, whatever your needs and interests.
Featured Events
"Taking Care of Our Own" Dinner
Tuesday, Mar 25th 5:30p to 7:00pAs families within our community are impacted by Federal layoffs and funding cuts, CBE is working to provide communal meals, and a support network for those impacted. Want to help? Please reach out to Rabbi Warner to volunteer or provide funding to support these meals.
Shabbat Morning Service
Shabbat, Mar 29th 9:00a to 12:00pMore information about our Shabbat services, including how to attend online, is at www.bethemeth.org/services.
Adult Education: Talmud for the Intimidated
Monday, Mar 31st 7:00p to 8:00pInstructor: Rabbi Warner Ferratier
Evening Minyan
Wednesday, Mar 26th 8:00p to 9:00pWednesday evening minyan - go to bethemeth.org/services for more information.
Shabbat Morning Service
Shabbat, Mar 29th 9:00a to 12:00pMore information about our Shabbat services, including how to attend online, is at www.bethemeth.org/services.
Morning Minyan
Sunday, Mar 30th 9:45a to 11:00aSunday morning minyan. Note: if a date is missing in the list above, that means the service is a special one for a holiday or other event. Check the main calendar listing to find out more. For more information about the coming week or general information about services at Congregation Beth Emeth (including Zoom link), go to bethemeth.org/services
Evening Minyan
Wednesday, Apr 2nd 8:00p to 9:00pWednesday evening minyan - go to bethemeth.org/services for more information.
Don't P'settle: Hyping Up P’sukei D’Zimra
Thursday, Apr 3rd 7:00p to 8:30pP’sukei D’Zimra sets a bright and uplifting tone for the prayers ahead. This workshop will give you the tools to lead with comfort and joy, choose melodies that fit, and get the congregation warmed up for meaningful davening.
Our Mission
Congregation Beth Emeth is a welcoming, inclusive, and egalitarian Conservative Jewish community. Balancing tradition with innovation in support of our diverse congregation, and in support of Israel, we strengthen Jewish identity on both an individual and communal level. We encourage participation and lay leadership in a full range of religious, worship, educational, and social activities. In doing these things we foster Jewish values and observance for the current and next generation.
Looking to join our congregation? Become a member today!
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Vayakhel
Candle Lighting
Shabbat, Mar 22, 7:07pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 22, 8:05pm |
Parshat Parah
Shabbat, Mar 22 |
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