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Audio of Services
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Quick Links:
Friday Night Service - Kabbalat Shabbat and Erev Shabbat ● Psukei D'Zimra (first part of Shabbat morning service) ● Shacharit for Shabbat ● Musaf Service ● Hallel ● Torah Service ● Gabbai calling phrases See Gabbai Resources page ● Torah Aliyah Blessings ● Torah Trope ● Haftarah Trope ● Weekday Shacharit ● High Holiday Melodies and Torah Trope ● Additional Resources
Yes, there are many sites with recordings of Shabbat services, but these are the "minhag" -- customs -- we use most of the time at Congregation Beth Emeth. Click on the file name, which will call up an audio program on a new page, or open your default audio player and then play the audio file you chose. Interested in more hands-on learning? The Ritual Committee can help you find a tutor.
Friday Night Service
Kabbalat Shabbat and Erev Shabbat
Recordings: (Former) Rabbi Michelle "Mina" Goldsmith
NOTE: In the Erev Shabbat Booklet, fuller versions of some prayers are on pages 48-58.
Psukei D'Zimra
(first part of Shabbat morning service)
Recordings: David Cerny
Prayer | Siddur Lev Shalem Page |
Shabbat/Holiday Siddur Sim Shalom Page |
MaTovu | 101 | 61 |
Prayers for Body and Soul | 99 | 63 |
Birkot haShachar | 103 - 104 | 65 |
Penitential Prayer | 105 - 106 | 66 - 67 |
Devotional texts | 107 - 110 | 68 - 70 |
Kaddish d'Rabbanan | 111 | 71 |
Psalm for Shabbat | 112 | 72 |
Psalm 30 | 120 | 81 |
Mourners Kaddish | 121 | 82 |
Baruch she'Amar | 122 | 83 |
David's Prayer | 123 - top of 125 | 84 - 85 |
Anthology of Psalm Verses | 125 - 1266 | 86 |
Psalm 19 | 127 | 87 |
Psalm 34 | 128 | 88 |
Psalm 90 | 129 | 89 |
Psalm 91 | 130 | 90 |
Psalm 135 | 131 | 91 |
Psalm 136 | 132 | 92 |
Psalm 33 | 133 | 93 |
Psalm 92 | 134 | 94 |
Psalm 93 | 134 | 95 |
God's Sovereignty | 135 | 95 |
Ashrei | 137 | 96 - 97 |
Psalm 146 | 137 | 97 |
Psalm 147 | 138 | 98 |
Psalm 148 | 139 | 99 |
Psalm 149 | 140 | 100 |
Psalm 150 | 141 | 100 |
David's Final Prayer | 142 | 101 |
Intro to Song of the Sea | 143 | 102 |
Song at the Sea | 143 - 144 | 102 - 103 |
Ki l'Adonai | 144 | 103 |
Nishmat | 145 - 146 | 104 - 105 |
Final P'sukei Paragraph | 147 | 105 |
Recordings: David Cerny
Prayer | Siddur Lev Shalem Page |
Shabbat/Holiday Siddur Sim Shalom Page |
Shochen Ad | 147 | 105 |
Yishtabach | 148 | 106 |
Chatzi Kaddish | 148 | 106 |
Bar'chu | 149 | 107 |
First B'racha before Shema | 150 | 107 |
El Adon | 151 | 108 |
God who ceased work | 152 | 109 |
Kedushah D'Yotzer | 153 | 110 |
Ahavah Rabah | 154 | 111 |
Shema | 155 | 112 |
Tzitzit Prayer | 156 | 112-3 |
Redemption | 156-8 | 113-4 |
Amidah | 159-160 | 115b |
Kedushah | 161 | 116 |
Kaddish Shalem | 167 | 138 |
Recordings: David Cerny
Prayer | Siddur Lev Shalem Page |
Shabbat/Holiday Siddur Sim Shalom Page |
Hallel B'racha | 316 | 133 |
Hallel B'racha | 316 | 133 |
Psalm 113 | 316 | 133 |
Psalm 114 | 316 | 133 |
Psalm 115 | 317 | 134 |
Psalm 116 | 318 | 135 |
Psalm 117-118 | 319-320 | 136 |
End of Psalm 118 | 320 | 137 |
End of Hallel | 321 | 137 |
Recordings: Gwen Sloan
Prayer | Siddur Lev Shalem Page |
Shabbat/Holiday Siddur Sim Shalom Page |
Ein Kamocha | 168 | 139 |
Vayhi Binsoa | 168 | 139 |
Bei Ana Rachetz | 170 | 140 |
Shema Through L'cha Adonai | 171 | 141 |
Romemu Second Torah Procession | NA | NA |
Torah Aliyah Blessings | 172 | 142 |
Blessing Before Haftarah | 175 | 146 |
Blessing After Haftarah 1 | 175 | 147 |
Blessing After Haftarah 2 | 175 | 147 |
Blessing After Haftarah 3 | 175 | 147 |
Blessing After Haftarah 4 | 175 | 147 |
Prayer For Israel | 178 | 149 |
Ashrei | 181-2 | 151-2 |
Y'hallelu | 183 | 153 |
Mizmor l'David | 183 | 153 |
Etz Chaim | 184 | 154 |
Etz Chaim Alternate Melody | 184 | 154 |
Hatzi Kaddish | 184 | 155 |
See the Gabbai Resources page
Recordings: Gwen Sloan. Also see Trope Sheet (pdf).
Don't forget to check out the photo of your reading in our Torah so you won't be surprised if the format differs from the Tikkun!
- Torah Aliyah Blessings (see Torah Service chart above for page numbers)
- 01 Kadma Mapach
- 02 mapach pashta katon
- 03 moonach katon
- 04 mercha tipcha moonach etnachta
- 05 mercha tipcha etnachta
- 06 mercha tipcha seelook
- 07 end of portion
- 08 darga t'vir
- 09 mercha t'vir
- 10 revi'i
- 11 kadma azla
- 12 k'tanah
- 13 g'dolah
- 14 gershaim
- 15 pazer
- 16 zakef gadol
- 17 moonach zarkah moonach segol
Recordings: Gwen Sloan. Also see Trope Sheet (pdf).
- Blessing Before Haftarah (see Torah Service chart above for page numbers)
- 01 kadma mapach
- 02 mapach pashta katon
- 03 moonach katon
- 04 mercha tipcha moonach etnachta
- 05 mercha tipcha etnachta
- 06 mercha tipcha seelook
- 07 end of portion
- 08 darga t'vir
- 09 mercha t'vir
- 10 revi'i
- 11 kadma azla
- 12 k'tanah
- 13 g'dolah
- 14 gershaim
- 15 pazer
- 16 zakef gadol
- 17 moonach zarkah moonach segol
- Blessing After Haftarah 1st paragraph (see Torah Service chart above for page numbers)
- Blessing After Haftarah 2nd paragraph
- Blessing After Haftarah 3rd paragraph
- Blessing After Haftarah 4th paragraph
Recordings: Gwen Sloan
Prayer | Siddur Lev Shalem Page |
Shabbat/Holiday Siddur Sim Shalom Page |
Musaf Amidah Avot V'Imachot | 185 | 156 |
Amidah Gevurot | 186 | 156 |
Kedushah | 187 | 157 |
Kaddish Shalem | 203 | 181 |
Ein Keilohenu | 204 | 182 |
Ein Keilohenu Alternate Melody | 204 | 182 |
Aleinu | 205 | 183 |
Adon Olam Traditional No Repeats | 211 | 187 |
Adon Olam Alternate Echo Melody | 211 | 187 |
Adon Olam Alternate Upbeat Melody | 211 | 187 |
Recordings: (Former) Rabbi Michelle "Mina" Goldsmith
All page numbers refer to Siddur Sim Shalom for Weekdays
Click on the file name to call up an audio program on a new page and play your chosen audio file.
High Holidays (HHD) – Common Prayers
Recordings: Rabbi Michelle "Mina" Goldsmith
High Holiday Torah Trope
Recordings: Suzanne Goldlust
High Holy Day Torah Readings in HHD Trope - on the Website of Congregation Agudas Achim, Austin, TX; scroll down to the High Holiday section
- This directory of Nusach sites has links to many sites with recordings of liturgical music for every type of worship service or occasion. Their High Holiday page may be handy.
- Our Online Learning page has links to additional resources that may interest you if you are learning to lead—or participate in—worship services.
- Order your own Siddur Lev Shalem here. (you can also donate one or more siddurim to the synagogue and dedicate them as desired.)
Thu, March 6 2025
6 Adar 5785
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This week's Torah portion is Parshat Tetzaveh
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 7, 5:52pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 8, 6:51pm |
Parshat Zachor
Shabbat, Mar 8 |
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