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Leader Bios

Ellyn Hirsch, President

I am honored to be elected President of Congregation Beth Emeth for the 2022-23 year and am excited to embrace the transitions and change in our synagogue community as we welcome Rabbi Warner Ferratier, David Bass (Executive Director), and Jocelyn Dorfman (BEECC Director).  I will continue to do my best to serve our community. I will work with our professional staff and committees to provide more opportunities for meaningful engagement of our members, introducing innovative programming and stimulating topics across all age groups.   

I have always been an active volunteer at Beth Emeth, whether as a member of the Board or on a committee. In addition to my most current position as Executive Vice President & acting Fundraising chair, I am part of the Gift Shop management team. Throughout the years, I have also served on the Board in many capacities and have worked actively with a variety of committees, most recently focusing on Fundraising, Hazak, and House/Facilities. I was instrumental in establishing our Religious School, Youth Program, and BEECC, still a strong interest of mine.  

My husband, Bill, and I have been members of Congregation Beth Emeth since its inception in June 1979.  We are the very proud parents of our amazing children: Hillary Hirsch (Daniel Lakin, fiancé), Stephanie and Jack Rubin, and Jodi and Steven Rein, and grandchildren Ari, Ilan, Olivia, and Edward. We raised our daughters as active participants at Beth Emeth and USY; each continues to be extremely active in their respective Jewish communities.  Outside of Beth Emeth, I worked as an itinerant Occupational Therapist in Fairfax County Public Schools and PG County Health Department.  Bill and I are active volunteers at Gesher Jewish Day School and participate on the Gesher JDS Grandparents Council.  I must publicly thank Bill and my family for all their support over these many years.  I could not volunteer as I do without the dedicated support of Bill and my family. 

Please reach out to me at any time at to, to share your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions about our congregation, or talk in general about the Nats, Kennedy Center musicals, Mah Jongg, Judaism, or Beth Emeth, my favorite topics (after my grandkids and children, of course!).  

L’shalom (to peace)


Zach Moskowitz
Engagement and Youth Director

Zach Moskowitz, our Youth Director for the past 4 years, has taken on an expanded role as Beth Emeth's Engagement and Youth Director beginning July 1, 2022. Among other goals, Zach's new role will help ensure that we are meeting the needs of all of our diverse congregants. 

“I literally grew up in the halls of Beth Emeth, where both of my parents have spent years teaching at BEECC, Religious School and Chai School. From BEECC through Confirmation, Beth Emeth was my second home. I was an active member of Kadima and USY, making lifelong friends along the way. I realize all of the amazing things that our congregation and its youth program did for me, and it is my goal to provide excitement, community, and a strong Jewish identity across our diverse community members.”

Previous to his position as Youth Director, Zach was Beth Emeth's Kadima Advisor for 6 years, as well as serving on the Seaboard Region staff over the same time frame. In addition to Zach’s roles with Beth Emeth and regional youth programs, he worked as a child care professional for four years through the Fairfax County Program, School Age Child Care (SACC).

In his spare time, Zach is a big gamer. He loves to listen to and write music. “In fact”, he says, “it is rare to find me without some kind of music playing in the background.” He also loves to go fishing and to spend time with family and friends.

Renee Williams
BEECC Operations Director

Morah Renee has been with the Beth Emeth Early Childhood Center (BEECC) for 17+ years and loves every minute of it because it is impossible to have a bad day when you are surrounded by smiling, happy children!  Originally from a small town in Western Maryland, she now lives in Sterling, VA, with her husband, Greg.  They have two adult children, two grandsons and a grand-puppy.  When she’s not at BEECC, you'll find her playing with her grandchildren.

Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785