Hands-On Local Social Action
Hands-On Local Social Action
How can you help our neighbors in this difficult time, with hands-on projects as well as creative donations? The Social Action Committee, along with Sisterhood, has compiled a short list of activities sponsored or co-sponsored by our local Jewish Federation, Cornerstones, Herndon Cares, and other local agencies.
If you'd like to help organize a Beth Emeth joint effort for one of the needs listed below that doesn't already have a Beth Emeth contact, please contact social-action@bethemeth.org. Please let us know if you participate on an individual basis, so we can share your experience and inspire others!
Cornerstones (formerly Reston Interfaith) provides many services to the less fortunate in our area. If you'd like to help organize a Beth Emeth joint effort for one of the needs listed below without a Beth Emeth contact, please contact social-action@bethemeth.org. If you have questions for Cornerstones, please contact Nate King, Donations and Drives Coordinator at Nate.King@CornerstonesVA.org. You can also check https://www.cornerstonesva.org/coronavirus-updates-requests/ for current needs and how to volunteer individually.
Pantry Donors
Cornerstones is experiencing a higher than usual demand for services from under-resourced families, as children are out of school and in need of meals typically covered by school meal programs. Adults who work hourly jobs and may be off from work are also adversely affected. Seniors may be in greater need as they are shut off from family members and other usual resources. Please also consider financial donations to assist during this time.
Food and Gift Card Donors—You may come into the pantry to make your donation. If you have reservations about entering the public building, call 571-323-1410 and a staff member may be able to assist you outside. Especially needed:
- Grocery store gift cards
- Gas gift cards
- Rice
- Beans
- Lentils
- Cooking Oil
- Oatmeal
- Eggs
- Milk
- Clorox Wipes
- Bleach or other Disinfectants
- Spray Bottles
- Paper Towels
Herndon Cares
Beth Emeth has recently become a partnering congregation in Herndon Cares. To help address heightened food insecurity, employment stability concerns, and small business viability at the local level, the First Baptist Church of Herndon, in concert with other Herndon/Reston congregations, is leading a campaign to order weekly takeout dinners from your favorite local restaurants and to provide these to community members who are feeling financial strain during these difficult days.
Volunteers are needed to drive deliveries to their destinations, call clients who do not have email addresses to instruct them on how to pick up their meals, perform administrative tasks for the organization and serve as translators for clients. To offer your services, click here.
Donate to Help Purchase the Take-Out Meals
Your $10 donation can provide one takeout dinner for someone in need, and, at the same time, it can help a neighbor to remain employed and a local business to be successful. Donate here.
Also Recommended by the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
Donate blood
Go to https://www.inovablood.org or call 800-BLOOD-SAVES.
Dulles Airport Food Pantry
This pantry supports airport employees who have been furloughed. Volunteers are needed to drive to donor homes to pick up donations.
Volunteer with the American Red Cross
Shepherd's Center
Be a friendly caller volunteer: Call 703.281.0538 or email: office@scov.org to request a senior to befriend. Shepherd's Center, serving Oakton-Vienna-Reston-Herndon, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life as we age, through supportive programs and services, personal enrichment and volunteer engagement that enable our senior neighbors to live full and productive lives while aging in place.
Banner image: Vecteezy.com
Wed, March 26 2025
26 Adar 5785
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This week's Torah portion is Parshat Vayakhel
Candle Lighting
Shabbat, Mar 22, 7:07pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 22, 8:05pm |
Parshat Parah
Shabbat, Mar 22 |
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