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Fall 2024 BBQ

Join CBE for our Fall BBQ

featuring a Shofar Showdown!

Join us for CBE's annual fall BBQ with an extra fun Elul twist ... a Shofar Showdown! Bring your own shofar, purchase one from the Sisterhood gift shop, or just sit back and wait to see who has the longest Tekiah Gedolah.

Feeling musical or adventurous? Sign up to participate in the Shofar Showdown! Details can be found on the registration form.

Beth Emeth members and BEECC Preschool families It is preferred to log in to your CBE "ShulCloud" account before completing this form.

How Many in your Party?

What BBQ Items Should We Prepare for You & Your Family?
These choices will help ensure that we prepare the right amount of food. 

Would You Like to Help Defray the Cost of the Event?

Suggested donation is $18/adult or $36/family.  Any donation to help defray the costs is much appreciated!  

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Sun, December 22 2024 21 Kislev 5785