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Guest Reservations for Services

Thank you for making a guest reservation by Friday noon in advance of attending services and any events following services during the next week (Friday evening through Wednesday evening minyan), or in advance of special events when reservations are requested.

We want to ensure you feel safe and secure during your worship with us: 

  • As of October 20, 2023, guests are allowed into services or events directly following services with a reservation and photo identification. (If you are attending a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or other special occasion, consult your host as they may be reserving for their guests.)
  • Guests who did not make a reservation will be advised of our policy and provided information on how to make a reservation for future services. Reservations will be required for entry until further notice.  

NOTE: Beth Emeth members and BEECC Preschool families do not need to make reservations for yourselves or for your guests who will be arriving with you. Please do use this form to reserve for guests who plan to arrive separately.

Who is Filling Out this Form?

Your Contact Information

Please indicate the service(s) you are attending:

Weekly service schedules can be found on the Pray section of the CBE website. Special events and holiday services can be found on the CBE calendar. 

Names of ALL Guests You Are Reserving For:

Purpose for coming to visit Beth Emeth (so we can best accommodate you or your guests)?

Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785