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Hametz Sale

Ma'ot Chitim

"All who are hungry, let them enter and eat. All who are in need, let them come celebrate Pesach."
- Quoted from the Passover Haggadah
Help Congregation Beth Emeth help others. There is an ancient custom to collect funds before Passover to help those in need. In the past, our Ma’ot Chitim Fund has been distributed to groups such as Mazon and the American Jewish World Service. This year we shall also distribute money to local food banks. Please help us take on this important responsibility. The funds will be distributed by Rabbi Ferratier, through the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund.

Deadline to complete this form is Friday, April 11 at noon.

Beth Emeth members and BEECC families, please log in to your CBE account before completing this form to pre-fill your contact information, have more payment options, and to facilitate recording your donation. Others welcome; you can make your donation via credit card.

Sale of Hametz

I hereby authorize Rabbi Warner Ferratier to dispose of, through its sale, all hametz -- whether food or drink, the hametz which adheres to utensils, containers, or clothing, all animals that feed on hametz, and any hametz I own or for which I am responsible – whether it may be at my home(s), place of business, or elsewhere, in accordance with Jewish Law.


A donation of any amount helps those in need!
Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785