Gift Shop
Marilyn Rosenberg Sisterhood Judaica Shop
A source for all your gifts, not only the Jewish ones!
New! Our Sisterhood's Gift Shop is Online!
You can now purchase many gifts and Judaica online! Watch for additional merchandise being uploaded daily! Items ordered online can be picked up at the synagogue, and if you cannot pick them up, we may deliver them locally or ship them.
Appointments at the store are also available -- especially beneficial to choose a tallit. Just contact the gift shop's volunteer managers.
We are also an affiliate of the online Judaica store ModernTribe, whereby the Sisterhood Gift Shop receives a commission whenever a shopper uses our unique link to order. Check out ModernTribe today!
Pickup Times
After you enter your online order, you'll receive an email telling you when it will be ready for pickup (ignore the automatic text that says it will be two weeks; usually, it will be a day or two at most). After it is ready, you can come by during office hours (9-5 M-Th, 9-2:30 F, except for Jewish and national holidays). Please use the main entrance, as the school entrance (by the large parking lot) is only used by the preschool and religious school when they are in session. If you cannot pick up your order outside these hours, contact the gift shop's volunteer managers to make arrangements.
Why "Shop the Shop"?
Did you know that when you purchase from “the shop,” all profits are used by Sisterhood to benefit the Beth Emeth community? Your patronage is critical to our success.
“The Shop” is your local resource for everything Judaica. Please check with us before you buy elsewhere. We may be able to get it for you quickly and will match the price or save you money. Please contact the gift shop's volunteer managers. Make our day; shop the shop! Todah Rabah!
General Info
Usually, we accept cash, checks, and credit cards, but online purchases are only via credit card. If you want to pay by cash or check or have other questions, please contact the gift shop's volunteer managers.
Shop “The Shop,” not the NET -- Support your Shul.
Wed, March 26 2025
26 Adar 5785
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This week's Torah portion is Parshat Vayakhel
Candle Lighting
Shabbat, Mar 22, 7:07pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 22, 8:05pm |
Parshat Parah
Shabbat, Mar 22 |
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