Czech Holocaust (Zachor) Torah
Czech Holocaust (Zachor) Torah
Our community is honored to have the permanent loan of a Torah scroll from the Memorial Scrolls Trust (MST) in London, England.
This scroll, MST#11, was originally from an unknown town in Bohemia or Moravia. It was confiscated during the Holocaust and put into the Jewish Museum in Prague under the Nazis. After the war, the Czech government took ownership of the museum, and in 1964, it sold 1564 scrolls to the Westminster Synagogue in London, financed by donor Ralph Yablon.
Subsequently, the Czech Memorial Scrolls Centre, a charity later reorganized into the Memorial Scrolls Trust, was formed. The scrolls have subsequently been allocated to communities and organizations worldwide, including Congregation Beth Emeth. The scrolls are never sold or donated but are given on loan.
On Saturday, December 10, 2022, we will hold a unique Shabbat service and luncheon to rededicate our stewardship of this Torah and how it connects us to the memory of the Holocaust. This is the 25th year of its residence at Beth Emeth! (more information about the event)
How MST#11, our Holocaust "Zachor" Czech Torah, Came to Beth Emeth
At Congregation Beth Emeth, we call MST#11 the Holocaust Torah and the Zachor (Remember) Torah, as the Hebrew word Zachor is part of the design on the beautiful cover, and we use it for Shabbat Zachor. We thank several Beth Emeth families and former Beth Emeth families who were involved in acquiring, repairing, and dressing our Holocaust Torah:
- The Marks family, led by Michael Marks, conceived the idea to acquire one of the "Czech Torahs" in 1995 to coincide with the opening of our significant building addition in 1996. Michael worked with our then Rabbi Steven M. "Rabbi Steve" Glazer and our then congregation President David Kamerling to arrange for the loan of a Czech Torah, and the Marks family traveled to London to pick up our Holocaust Torah.
- The Schatz family donated the funds for the required donation to the Centre in memory of Anna Perl.
- The Amsel family donated the ornate crown to remember Amsel's family members in Slovakia.
- Families of the confirmation class of 1998 donated the Zachor cover.

Dedication of the Torah, May 2, 1997
Marks and Schatz/Perl family members,
Rabbi Glazer, President David Kamerling,
and 1st Vice President Jim Mihal
More About our Holocaust "Zachor" Czech Torah and How We Use It
When the Torah first arrived at Congregation Beth Emeth, it was deplorable, and repairs were made to serve our congregation as a living memorial and educational tool. Torn sections needed to be mended and sewn. Holes need to be repaired. This effort was completed in December 1996. However, while the Torah was now in better physical condition, it still was not considered repairable to kosher standards, and thus, it could not be used for regular worship.
The Torah was dedicated on May 2, 1997, in the presence of the families who helped bring it to us and much of the congregation (see photo above). The program prepared for the dedication includes the dedication speech Our Torah's Journey by Michael Marks, as well as Rabbi Steven M. Glazer's remarks on the occasion, and comments by then-President David Kamerling, along with the order of the day, a list of contributors to the effort, and more.
The Torah is kept in our ark and is given a seat of honor on the bema at many b'nai mitzvahs (see photo at top right). We read from it on Shabbat Zachor, and this Torah is also used for many educational events.
Display Featuring the Torah
In our sanctuary, there is a beautiful display that includes photos of the Torah and the official certificate of loan, as well as an inspiring prayer spoken by Rabbi Harold Reinhart at the reconsecration of Scroll No. 931 at Westminster Synagogue, London, England, in 1968. Take a look next time you're here!
Photo of the Holocaust Torah for Learning Readings (for Shabbat Zachor Only)
Holocaust_5-25-6_5-26-4.jpg (Zachor)
Note: this Torah is not kosher due to extensive damage during the holocaust, and it is read at services by special permission for Shabbat Zachor only.
Wed, March 26 2025
26 Adar 5785
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This week's Torah portion is Parshat Vayakhel
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