Stained Glass Windows
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Jewish Community*
Symbols of Jewish Worship*
Noah and the Flood*
Abraham and the Promise
Binding of Isaac
Jacob's Dream
Joseph and His Brothers
Moses and the Burning Bush
Moses at the Parting of the Sea
Giving of the Tablets at Sinai*
Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Cloud in the Desert*
Return of the Spies*
Joshua at Jericho
Ruth and Naomi*
David and Goliath
Solomon and the Building of the Temple*
Isaiah Prophesy - Swords into Plowshares
Destruction of the Second Temple
Talmudic Era*
Maimonides and the Golden Age of Spain*
Diaspora - Longing to Return
Chasidic Movement
Flourishing of American Jewry*
Modern Israel
Messianic Age
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Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785