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School Forms & Info

Congregation Beth Emeth Religious School provides vibrant and engaging Jewish learning for students in grades K-10th. If you have any questions, please contact the Religious School office at

Religious School and Chai School Forms

  • Religious School Registration Form 2024-2025
    • Online Registration is now available! See Instructions below. A child is not registered for Religious School until all required registration information is submitted to the office. If you are not a member of Beth Emeth, please contact to discuss congregation membership and the CBE Religious School.
    • To register, use this link. If you are not logged into your CBE account you will need to log in, and then just click on the "Enroll in Religious School" tile and choose '24-'25. Here's a screenshot:


Religious School Announcements Email List

  • All Religious School families will be placed on the email list to receive Religious School announcements, based on the email address(es) you provide with your Beth Emeth membership.

School Closing Policy for Inclement Weather or other Events

  • The Religious School Director, in consultation with the Executive Director, will decide whether to close school.
  • On weekdays, the Religious School generally, but not always, follows Fairfax County Public Schools' decision to cancel school or after-school activities. Notice of school cancelation will be sent via email as soon as possible.
  • On weekends, if Religious School is canceled, the announcement will be emailed to parents/guardians.
  • If an emergency causes Religious School to close, parents will be contacted by email and/or telephone as soon as possible. 
Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785