Shabbat Services
Erev Shabbat
Friday, March 7
- Candlelighting Time: 5:52 PM
- Erev Shabbat Service: 6:00 PM
- Not a Beth Emeth member or BEECC parent (nor arriving with a member or BEECC parent)? Please read our new security procedure and make a reservation by Friday noon.
- Siddur: Most Fridays we use the Lev Shalem Siddur – email if you are interested in purchasing one at our discounted rate. For special musical & multigenerational services, we use our Kabbalat Shabbat Booklet.
Saturday, March 8
- 9:00 AM, Shabbat Morning Service (In person and Zoom).
- Torah Service info:
- Parasha: Tetzaveh, Exodus 29:19-30:10 (Etz Hayim p. 513)
- Maftir: Exodus 25:17-19 (Etz Hayim p. 1135)
- Haftarah: I Samuel 15:2-34 (Etz Hayim p. 1281)
- Torah & Haftarah readings online (Triennial Year 2)
- Siddur: We use the Lev Shalem Siddur – email if you are interested in purchasing one at our discounted rate.
- Security: Not a member or BEECC parent (nor arriving with a member or BEECC parent)? We would love to welcome you at services. Please read our new security procedure and make a reservation by Friday noon.
Regular Weekday Minyanim
Please make an effort to help make a minyan for members of our community who are saying Kaddish. Not a member or BEECC parent (nor arriving with a member or BEECC parent)? We would love to welcome you at services. Please read our new security procedure and make a reservation by Friday noon.
Sunday Mornings
- 9:00 AM every Sunday (in person and on Zoom)
Wednesday Evenings
- 8:00 PM -- Evening Minyan (in person and on Zoom)
Currently, all Beth Emeth worship services are conducted in person, and are also accessible for those unable to attend, at (In case this link doesn't redirect you to our services due to technical issues, go to and use Passcode 156182.
Visitors to our regular Shabbat services are always welcome! It is not necessary to let us know in advance, but if you want us to know you're coming or have questions, email
Shiva Minyan
Our congregants hold most shiva minyanim in person, and in some cases in person and online. Any Zoom links will vary and will be shared via email. You can view and download the prayerbook, A Minyan of Comfort online in order to participate fully from home when that option is available.
February Yahrzeits at Beth Emeth
Week of February 7 - 13
*Naftali Mitrani, Father of Sapat Mitrani
*Peggy Reynolds, Mother of Barbara Myerson
Chaim Benjamin, Father of Ted Benjamin
*Barbara Bernstein, Wife of Charles Bernstein
Harry Gladstone, Grandfather of Tina Wallace
Isobel Sheifer, Mother of Stuart Sheifer
Alan Fridin, Father of Michael Freidin
*Albert Golnick, Father of Louise Howell
Morris Elkes, Grandfather of Carol Silberstein
Barbara Goldstein, Mother of Jamie Paul
*Sara Hirsch, Mother of Bill Hirsch
Marvin Sandler, Father of Robert Sandler
*Ira Gershner, Father of Jan Woodhead
Abraham Glass, Grandfather of Andrew Loggia
Maurice Goldberg, Step-Father of Carl Feigenbaum
*Edith Gordon Lindsey, Mother of Janet Klayton
Rhoda Montagna, Relative of Phyllis Konikow
Kreina Galperin, MOther of Mark Galperin
Esther Swig, Grandmother of Claire Fine
Carol Bluth, Mother of Allison Mitchell
*Ruby Kohn, Mother of Judy Brown
*Harry J. Shapira
Week of February 14 - 20
Frederick Koblenz, Father of Sheri Levitan
*Betty Nan Obermayer, Mother of Helen Levy-Myers
Martha Florence Smith, Mother of Gary Smith
Anna Ferratier, Grandmother of Warner Ferratier
*Paul Lazar, Uncle of Ellyn Hirsch
Pesia Lev, Great Aunt of Alina Kirshon-Goldman
Joseph Rosenthal, Grandfather of Joanne Levine
Edwin Schoen, Father of Elise Berger
*Myrna Schulman, Mother of Aaron Schulman
Bess Dubron, Grandmother of Allison Deur
Steve Kaplan, Brother of Larry Kaplan
Toni Linz, Grandmother of Ellen Grimley
Mair Tanezer, Father of Lilia Abdoullina
John Booth, Father of Susan Golkow
Etia Litrovnik, Great-Grandmother of Alina Kirshon-Goldman
Stanley Modjoros, Grandfather of MeLanie Modjoros
Selma Fine, Mother-in-Law of Claire Fine
Benjamin Malamud, Husband of Bernice Malamud
Arnold Kaplan, Father of Larry Kaplan
*Audrey Silverman, Aunt of Jeffrey Skigen
*Margaret Weisz, Grandmother Shari Hirsch
*D. Annie Reel
Week of February 21 - 27
Howard Gerber, Brother of Janet Polak
Bernard Epstein, Grandfather of Eric Epstein
Peter Neilsen, Grandfatehr of Eric Epstein
Stanley Pines, Father of Jan Pohl
*Barry David Rubel, Brother of Miriam Goldin
Louis Kramer, Father of Elaine Ticatch
*Norma H. Cohen, Father of Glenda McConn
Bernice Joy Ward, Mother of Sarita Kaplan
*Gertrude Bergman, Mother of Richard Bergman
*Harriet DiGirolamo, Mother of Gail Greenberg
Rachel Sternik, Mother of Semyon Kurtsman
*Ruth Kaplan
*Marian May
Week of January 24 - 30
Michael Cohen, Cousin of Ellyn Hirsch
David Solomon, Grandfather of Jim Sloan
*Yetta Levy Hamburager, Mother of Joan DeSantis
*Mildred Kaplan, Mother of Mark Kaplan
Jacob Zyrb, Uncle of Jim Sloan
Nathan Wolk, Grandfather of Corinne Jacobson
Edwin Bernsteen, Father of Stanley Bernsteen
Ezra Falkowitz, Father of Mildred Benjamin
*Leonard Kaplan, Father of Mark Kaplan
*Bertha Wilson, Mother of Linda Eisinger
Alla Akisina, Grandmother of Eugene Jerebitski
Harold Dubins, Uncle of Sandy Mitrani
Irving Forman, Grandfather of Sean Forman
Matvei Lev, Grandfather of Alina Kirshon-Goldman
William Norman, Father of James Norman
*Aladar Weisz, Grandfather of Shari Hirsch
Mollie Cohen, Mother of Robert Cohen
Bernice Greene, Mother of Stephan Greene
Theodore May, Grandfather of Nick May
Week of February 28 - March 6
*Robert Dubinsky, Father of Diane Novick
*Don Edgell, Husband of Danielle Edgell
Alfred Gross, Father-in-Law of Shirley Gross
*Daniel Paul, Father of Martin Paul
Sharon Wenokur, Mother of Jennifer DeAngelis
Bernard Finkel, Great Uncle of Jason Appelbaum
*Marvin Mandel, Father of Mark Mandel
*Marshall Novick, Father of Mark Novick
*Richard Cowan, Father of Ellyn Greenspan
*Esther Mandel, Mother of Mark Mandel
Patricia Mitchell Twilde, Mother of Karin Twilde-Sheifer
Abraham Wieder, Father of Robert Wieder
Ada Miriam Epstein, Grandmother of Eric Epstein
*Steve Fine, Husband of Claire Fine
Sholom Hendin, Father of Linda Harber
*Sonya Kirzhner, Motehr of Margo Volftsun
Louis Rosenthal, Father of Richard Rosenthal
Lloyd Weisman, Father of Richard Weisman
Clara Benjamin, Mother of Ted Benjamin
*Leonard Yass, Father of Jay Yass
*Stuart J. Weiser
*Anna Perl
*denotes a Memorial Plaque in the sanctuary
February Oneg/Kiddush
Thank you to all who have contributed generously to our Oneg/Kiddush fund to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and other life-cycle events this month. Your contribution helps support Onegs and Kiddushes when there is not a special event.
The Judith & Stephen Berman family in honor of Stephen's birthday
Roberta Cohen in honor of her birthday
Myrna & Carl Feigenbaum in honor of their wedding anniversary
Anita Hapel in honor of her birthday
The Ellyn & Bill Hirsch family in honor of Bill's birthday
Sharon & David Kamerling in honor of their wedding anniversary
The Kan/Younger family in honor of Marni's birthday
The Moldover family in honor of Denise's birthday
Janet & David Polak in honor of their wedding anniversary
The Rosh family in honor of Arlene's birthday
The Urban family in honor of Robin's 24th birthday
The Winston family in honor of Josh's birthday
If you have a life-cycle event that you would like to acknowledge, please contact Judy.