CBE Style Guide
CBE Style Guide
Quick Links: Name ● Logos ● Consistent Spelling ● Copyrights
The synagogue should be referred to as “Congregation Beth Emeth” at the beginning of any communication, and in subsequent references may be abbreviated as "Beth Emeth" or "CBE."
Both internal and external documents, presentations, and especially publicity items and forms should generally have a CBE logo on them. Auxiliary organizations (Sisterhood, Men's Club, BEECCPA and Hazak) are welcome to feature their own logos, and preferably also include a CBE logo if there is space. The logos shown below are provided for Congregation Beth Emeth (CBE), Herndon, VA, members and staff to use in publicity and documents for CBE business.
Acceptable CBE Logos are shown below; to download, right-click (PC) or click and hold (Mac/Android) and save/download. Or you may be able to copy/paste directly to your document. Please do not distort these images, change their color, or use them on non-CBE-related projects without permission. For higher-resolution images for printing, or if these logos do not meet the needs of your project, please contact susan@bethemeth.org.
Basic Logo, No Congregation Name:
1. Blue CBE with menorah, white background
2. Blue CBE with menorah, no background
3. Black & White CBE with menorah, white background
4. Black & White CBE with menorah, no background
Logo with Congregation Name
Horizontal Layout
5. Blue logohorizontal with name, white background
6. Blue logo horizontal with name, no background
7. Black & White logo horizontal with name, white background
8. Black & White logo horizontal with name, no background
Logo with Congregation Name - Vertical Layout
9. Blue logo vertical with name, white round background
10. Blue logo vertical with name, no background
11. Black & White logo vertical with name, white round background
12. Black & White logo vertical with name, no background
Consistent Spelling
There is no "right" or "wrong" way to spell words that are transliterated from another language, but we strive to be consistent. If you notice a word, name, holiday etc. that is not being spelled consistently in CBE materials and is not on this list, please contact susan@bethemeth.org so it can be added. Thank you!
- Hanukkah
- High Holidays (capitalized)
- Rosh Chodesh
- Rosh Hashanah
- Simchat Torah
- Tu B’Shevat
- Yom Kippur
- Yom HaShoah
- Yom HaZikaron
Other Commonly-Used Hebrew Words and Phrases
- B'nai Mitzvah (plural of Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah)
- Bereishit
- Bimah
- Chai
- Chodesh, HaChodesh
- Chumash
- D’var Torah
- Etz Hayim
- Gabbaiim (plural of Gabbai)
- Haftarah
- Hamentaschen
- Havdalah
- Madrich (masc), Madricha (fem), Madrichim (masc or mixed plural), Madrichot (fem plural)
- Megillah
- Minchah
- Misheberach
- P’ru Urvu
- Purimshpiel
- Tikkun Olam
- Torah
- Tzedakah
Note: if in doubt whether there should be a final “h”— if the Hebrew has a “hay” at the end, there should be an “h.”
English Words & Phrases
Loving kindness (two words, no hyphen)
Beth Emeth does not use copyrighted materials without permission, including images, in our communications and publicity. Most images found by Googling are copyrighted. ("Royalty Free" does not mean free to use; it means you can buy the image for one fee instead of paying for each use.) Please contact susan@bethemeth.org if you need assistance locating an image that is not copyrighted.
Tue, February 4 2025
6 Shevat 5785
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This week's Torah portion is Parshat Beshalach
Shabbat, Feb 8 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 7, 5:22pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 8, 6:21pm |
Tu B'Shvat
Thursday, Feb 13 |
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