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One of the most widely observed Jewish rituals is lighting a candle and saying the Mourner’s Kaddish on the yahrzeit of a loved one.  Though the literal translation of the Yiddish word yahrzeit means “time of year,” it is understood to refer to the anniversary on the Hebrew calendar of an individual’s death.

Jewish tradition is filled with folk stories about people going to great lengths to observe a loved one’s yahrzeit properly. But it should not be that difficult!

Here at CBE, congregants who provide the office with the names and dates of their loved one’s passing will receive a letter well before the yahrzeit. The letters are sent out mid-month for the following month’s observances. It is pretty standard for people to donate to the synagogue in honor of the yahrzeit of the deceased. Donations can be sent via the mail or online.

The yahrzeit list for that week is read at our weekly Shabbat services on Friday evening and Saturday morning. The list includes names of people whose yahrzeit falls from that Friday through the following Thursday. On Shabbat morning, we offer a group aliyah during the Torah service for those observing a yahrzeit that week. Following the aliyah, Rabbi Warner or the service leader offers a special misheberach prayer for those marking a yahrzeit.

In addition to our Shabbat services, those marking a yahrzeit can come to our Wednesday evening minyan or Sunday morning minyan and recite Kaddish. Suppose Rosh Hodesh (the new month) falls on a Sunday. In that case, congregants observing a yahrzeit that week will have the opportunity to repeat the prayer El Malei Rahameem, God Full of Compassion, on behalf of their loved one.  

If you have not received notifications for your loved one’s yahrzeit, don't hesitate to get in touch with the office to ensure we have the correct information. If you do not wish to receive notices from the synagogue but would like to find out the Hebrew date of your loved one’s passing, please go to, where there is a link for yahrzeits.

Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785