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Commemorate Yom HaShoah


Light Your Family's Yellow Candle

Wednesday, April 24, after 8:00 PM 

See below for more information about this program, a prayer you can say while lighting the candle, and a form if you would like to support ongoing Holocaust education programs at Beth Emeth. This annual program is sponsored by the Beth Emeth Men's Club. Yellow Candles can be picked up with your Shalach Manot. If you need to have them mailed, please contact the office.

Yellow Candle Program

The Yellow Candle program, sponsored by the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs (FJMC), was designed to keep alive the memory of the Six Million Jews who perished in the Shoah. The Candle was modeled after a traditional Jewish memorial Yahrzeit candle that burns for 24 hours during periods of mourning and on the Yahrzeit anniversary of a family member. 

This year's candles are provided in loving memory of Marty Zelman z"l, who was instrumental in funding this program in past years. Marty’s parents are both Holocaust survivors. Marty spoke annually to the Beth Emeth seventh grade class about his parents’ experiences surviving the Holocaust. 

We also want to thank the Men’s Club members and seventh grade students who volunteered to package the candles for mailing.  

Monies raised from your yellow candle donation (see below) will be used to fund Holocaust programming in our religious school and other related programming at CBE. 

Yom HaShoah Meditation

The Blessing of the Yellow Candle

As I light this Yellow Candle, I vow never to forget the lives of the Jewish men, women and children who are symbolized by this flame. They were tortured and brutalized by human beings who acted like beasts; their lives taken in cruelty.  May we be inspired to learn more about our six million brothers and sisters as individuals and as communities and to recall their memories throughout the year.  May we recall not only the terror of their deaths, but also the splendor of their lives. May the memory of their lives inspire us to hallow our own lives and to live meaningful Jewish lives so that we may help to insure that part of who they were shall endure always.              -- Rabbi Jules Harlow

Help Support Yom HaShoah Programs at CBE

In the spirit of remembrance, we encourage you to give tzedakah in memory to those who did not survive the Holocaust. Through your generosity, we can continue to fund Holocaust education and other related programming at CBE. Please donate online below or print out this form and return it to the synagogue with a check made payable to CBE Men’s Club.

Yom HaShoah Yellow Yahrzeit Candle - Online Donations

Beth Emeth members, please log in to your account before using this form. Logging in will pre-fill your contact information, allow you to bill to your account or use your saved payment methods, and also helps us process your payment more quickly!  Guests welcome, just complete the form and make your donation by credit card.


Sun, March 30 2025 1 Nisan 5785