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Giving is a very Jewish habit. Money for Tzedakah (not translated as "charity" but justice") is given out of a sense of obligation to help make the world better. Without the continued support of our members, our congregation could not continue to function. Membership dues, donations to special funds, as well as contributions of one's time allow CBE to thrive. Congregation Beth Emeth is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and your financial gift is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Thank you!
Jews make donations to mark almost any occasion, happy and sad. When someone loses a loved one, instead of sending flowers, we express our condolences by make a donation in their memory. To mark accomplishments or happy occasions, we make a donation. To thank a teacher or a friend who has been helpful, we make a donation in their honor. It is a Jewish tradition to make donations in multiples of the number “18”, which is the numerical value of the Hebrew word “Chai”, meaning life. We invite you to use the Jewish Links page on this Website to research the religious origins of the obligation to give money to the needy and to other worthy causes, including supporting Jewish life and education through your synagogue. One interesting example is on the JewFAQ site.
There are many Tzedakah opportunities at Congregation Beth Emeth, and we hope you will find one that is meaningful to you.
Contributions to Funds
Your contribution may be a general contribution or earmarked for a specific fund. For either an earmarked/restricted or a general contribution, you may designate the occasion you wish to memorialize. All donations will be acknowledged in the Shofar, unless you request anonymity. For any contribution of $18 or more, you may request that an acknowledgement card be sent notifying an individual or family of the donation. Details on the funds and a form are available on the Contributions to Funds page.
Annual Appeal
The Beth Emeth Annual Appeal is the primary fundraising effort used to balance the financial needs of the synagogue with what is received from member dues. This campaign of voluntary giving provides the single greatest source of non-dues income, and enables Beth Emeth to continue to be a warm and welcoming full-service Conservative synagogue that's Here Today, and Here Tomorrow.
Oneg & Kiddush
Celebrate a mazel tov, a baby naming, honor a family member, remember a loved one or support the shul… To to contribute to the Oneg/Kiddush Fund for the occasion or to sponsor a Friday night oneg or a Saturday morning kiddush, please visit the Oneg & Kiddush page.
Dedicate Prayer Books
CBE is transitioning to the Conservative Movement's new Siddur Lev Shalem for Shabbat/Holiday use, and you can help build our collection of Siddur Lev Shalem so everyone at Shabbat services can have one to use. In addition, we have been using the Etz Hayim Humash for quite a few years, and would like to have enough to put under each seat in the sanctuary. Dedicating one or more Humashim is a great way to honor an occasion or a loved one. You also have the opportunity to dedicate and/or purchase High Holiday Prayer Books (Mahzor Lev Shalem) to add to those available for general use at CBE and/or for your family to bring to High Holiday services. All of these books are offered at discounted prices available to synagogues for group purchase, and are a great addition to your home library as well. Order Prayerbooks
Tree of Life
Our Tree of Life is a permanent symbol for honoring occasions of joy and celebration. Numerous formats are available for leaves, doves and stones, which may be reserved in anticipation of your upcoming occasion.
Memorial Plaques
Located in the sanctuary, the Memorial Plaque board is a perfect way to immortalize the memory of loved ones.
Stained Glass Windows
Your family or your community group can dedicate one of the beautiful Ascalon stained-glass windows that adorn our lobby and sanctuary.
Buy Through CBE
Use our Amazon Associate affiliation to help support our community at no additional cost to you.
Other Dedicatory Items
You may want to take advantage of the opportunity to dedicate items in the synagogue such as the Annual Appeal Board or the new Tree of Life in the lobby, or mezuzot. Please contact for more information.
Endowment Fund
Your support of the Endowment Fund through a contribution or bequest can provide long term funding to further the strength and stability of the Congregation.
Thu, March 6 2025
6 Adar 5785
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This week's Torah portion is Parshat Tetzaveh
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 7, 5:52pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 8, 6:51pm |
Parshat Zachor
Shabbat, Mar 8 |
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