Stained Glass Windows
Stained Glass Windows
Our beautiful Ascalon stained-glass windows were installed in 2004 and make our building seem even more like a colorful Jewish home than before. On a sunny morning, a spectrum of colors streams into the sanctuary from above, reminding us of the rich history they portray. And the windows above our main entrance symbolize what we value most -- Jewish Community and Jewish Worship -- even as you enter.
Dedicate a Window
To help support our community, members can dedicate a window and have your name(s) added to the tasteful dedicatory wall display in the synagogue lobby (see larger photo.)
These beautiful windows may be dedicated by an individual or a family or group of friends. The 27 windowpanes for the sanctuary are available for dedication for $18,000 each and one of the larger windows above our main entrance doors is available for dedication for $36,000.
To find out which windows are still available and discuss a payment plan, please contact (Please note that due to space limitations on the dedicatory wall display, limits may be placed on the amount of text beneath the image of your window.)
Tour Our Windows
In the Stained Glass Window Photo Gallery*, you can see renderings of the windows; click on an image to see it larger. Those with * have been dedicated. Working on a CBE-related brochure or CBE bar/bat mitzvah program? Click on an image and download the larger image; if this is not high enough resolution for your project, contact the Cybermaven.
Meet the Artist
The artist and sculptor David Ascalon was born in Tel Aviv, Israel on March 8, 1945. He received his early artistic training as an apprentice of his father, the Hungarian-born sculptor and industrialist, Maurice Ascalon (1913-2003)...
...more from Wikipedia
...Ascalon Studios
*Note: these graphics are the property of Congregation Beth Emeth (CBE) and are to be used for CBE projects only, WITH CREDIT TO ARTIST DAVID ASCALON, or by permission. To request permission contact Ascalon Studios.
Wed, March 26 2025
26 Adar 5785
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This week's Torah portion is Parshat Vayakhel
Candle Lighting
Shabbat, Mar 22, 7:07pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 22, 8:05pm |
Parshat Parah
Shabbat, Mar 22 |
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