Support the Girls
Support the Girls
Help Sisterhood Collect Bras to Support the Girls in October
Tuesday, October 1 through Thursday, October 31, 2024.
In conjunction with Breast Cancer Awareness month in October, each year
CBE Sisterhood collects new and gently used bras for donation through Support the Girls to homeless women and girls in need in our community.
Many of them are victims of domestic violence, and often have fled horrendous situations with little more than the clothes on their backs. They definitely don’t have time to pack extra bras nor do they have funds to purchase them.
There will be a collection bin in the CBE main lobby. Bring your donations to the CBE lobby any time the building is open, October 1-31!
Financial contributions are also appreciated; please make checks out to Support the Girls and send or bring to the CBE main office.
For more information, see our Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs) below.
FAQs about Support the Girls
What is Support the Girls?
Support the Girls provides support to homeless women and girls. Many of them are victims of domestic violence, and often flee horrendous situations with little more than the clothes on their backs. They definitely don’t have time to pack anything, which makes bras a very important item to donate. Women who are homeless often have difficulty advocating for themselves, since they tend to remain an invisible population, especially minorities. You don’t typically see women on the street, for instance, because they often go to shelters, relatives, or friends. You can still be homeless on a friend’s couch. With limited resources, the need for bras is high due to their cost and frequency in usage.
What is Women Giving Back?
We will be donating our collection of bras to Women Giving Back, which is located in Sterling. Women Giving Back is a non-profit organization whose mission is to support women and children in crisis, and build their confidence and self-esteem by providing great quality clothing at no cost, assisted by a caring volunteer who offer personalized service and interaction. Your support has a direct impact on the lives of the women and children they serve.
What types of bras are acceptable?
We’re not picky! Any kind of bra, used or new, that still works/is functional happily accepted. Please ensure that all donations have working straps, aren’t ripped or torn, and have usable clasps. All sizes accepted from training bras to custom made extremely large. We are especially looking for larger sizes, and sports bras. These are in high demand.
Are my donations eligible for tax receipts?
For newly purchased items, please provide a legible copy of the receipt with your name, address, and email address to the CBE office. We will forward your purchase receipt to Women Giving Back who will provide a charitable donation receipt.
For checks made out to either Support the Girls or Women Giving Back, you will receive a statement from the respective organization. If your check does not have your mailing address imprinted, please provide it on a separate sheet of paper along with your check. Checks may be sent to (or left at) the CBE Office, 12523 Lawyers Road, Herndon, VA 20171, Attn: Support the Girls. Do not make checks out to CBE or CBE Sisterhood.
Are my donations of used bras eligible for tax receipts?
We cannot provide tax receipts for donation of used bras, although you may be able to list them as an itemized deduction on your taxes. Check with your tax advisor for guidance.
When is CBE Sisterhood's Support the Girls campaign taking place?
Monday, October 1, 2024, through October 31
There will be a collection bin in the CBE main lobby. Bring your donations to the CBE lobby any time the building is open, October 1-31! Financial contributions are also appreciated; please make checks out to Support the Girls and send or bring to the CBE main office.
Where should I leave my donation?
Look for specially labeled bins in the CBE Lobby.
What else can I do to help?
Come join us to sort the donations at Congregation Beth Emeth. Date and time will be on the Calendar when available.
Thu, March 6 2025
6 Adar 5785
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