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About Us

Congregation Beth Emeth is an egalitarian Conservative synagogue in Herndon, Virginia. With 300 Jewish families, we are large enough to meet our members' spiritual, educational, and social needs while providing a close-knit community.

We recognize the path to a meaningful Jewish identity is personal, so we offer diverse opportunities to help you find your voice. We hold services from traditional minyanim (prayer quorums) to contemporary youth and musical family services.

Our adult education activities range from making a tallit (prayer shawl) and cooking to studying Jewish literature or learning how to chant the Torah confidently.

Our youngest learners begin their Jewish journey in the Beth Emeth Early Childhood Center (BEECC) preschool program; school-aged learners are welcomed into Religious School and Youth Programs.

Our affiliate groups – Men’s Club,  SisterhoodHazak, and the  BEECC Parents' Association enhance our community with social and learning opportunities. From compelling speakers and Artist-in-Residence weekends to Vodka and Latkes, the annual Chocolate Party, and Game Nights, we engage the body, mind, and soul.

Recognizing the obligation of Jews everywhere to help in Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), we organize opportunities for members to be a light to the world by participating in food drives, community relations, and interfaith activities.

We recognize the changing structure of American Jewish families. We make no distinction between our interfaith families, single-parent families, singles, same-sex families, and our “traditional” families. Each is simply a synagogue family.

Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785